+91 8286 99 8888

Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 9768 99 888

We can see Saturn’s Sasa Yoga effects on Sara and Sthira Lagnas one by one separately.

These effects I mention here are for Saturn’s ruling or exaltation position alone.

If Saturn gets retro thereby losing its malign effect, or

combining with benefic planets, or

getting the aspects of benefic planets, or

if in any other way losing its malefic effect,

then Saturn will not give its bad, cruel, and evil effects to the natives.

Particularly if Saturn is not seeing Jupiter and at the same time Saturn gets the aspect of Jupiter, then Saturn’s good effects will be outstanding.

In other words, Saturn and Jupiter should not be in mutual aspects, i.e., in opposite houses.

Jupiter should be in Saturn’s 5th house or 9th house, aspecting Saturn and not getting Saturn’s aspect.

Because if Jupiter gets the aspect of Saturn, then Jupiter may lose its beneficial effect.

I reiterate this firmly,

Saturn is like the decoction of a strong black coffee.

Sukshuma strength or benefic conjunction, which is like milk and sugar should be added to get a tasty filter coffee.

Otherwise, the black strong coffee will be very bitter.

SASA Yoga:


For Aries Lagna, Saturn is the 10th and 11th i.e., Jeevana and gain house lord.

Saturn is also the functional malefic for Mesha Lagna.

For this Lagna, Saturn gets exalted in the 7th house and ruling status in the 10th house, thereby giving SASA Yoga.

7th house is exalted and Dik Bala Saturn sees the Bakyasthana, Lagna, and the 4th house.

When a full malefic Saturn, in exalted level seeing the above houses, will severely affect these 3 houses for sure.

Saturn’s aspect to the 9th house will make the native to be deprived of their father’s affection and support.

Native will not benefit from his father or may lose his father at an early age.

This effect may fluctuate plus or minus based on the 9th lord Jupiter. 

The powerful, exalted Saturn’s aspect to Lagna will make the native selfish, not having gratitude, and ignoring after enjoying the benefits.

He will be very rigid, adamant, and with sarcastic arguments.

He will hide the truth.

If Saturn gets a beneficial connection, the native will be spiritually inclined.

The fourth house denotes house, vehicle, education, mother, and comforts.

Powerful Saturn’s aspect to the 4th house will collapse all these.

Saturn does negatively in these Karakathvas. 

At the same time, Saturn is the Jeevana lord, getting exaltation and in Dik Bala in the 7th house will give some good benefits in Jeevana-related things.

The native will be involved and benefit from Saturn’s Karakathva job or business.

Saturn denotes slavery jobs hence in some cases, the native may be in people-related jobs like public relations, village administration, or union board jobs.

The Thula sign, where Saturn gets exaltation is a Sara sign, which ensures abroad jobs.

Mesha Lagna’s functional malefic is Saturn and Saturn in the 7th house will affect the 7th house benefits.

Generally, Saturn spoils the house where it is. That too for Mesha, Saturn is the Bathakathipathi hence its placement in the 7th house ruins the marital life.

To Lagna or Moon sign, if Saturn is in the 7th house, a male will be attracted more towards an elderly lady, and a female will be attracted more towards a younger person.

The full malefic Saturn will give immoral and bad contacts. Possibilities for late marriage, or polygamy.

Marital life may be a little hard for some time.

Females having Saturn in the 7th house may indulge in any immoral activities. Saturn is the reason for Some having relationships with younger or too old persons.

7th house Saturn gets Sthana Bala and Dik Bala, which makes the marital life perplexed.

7th house Saturn people will have very rare friends and partners since they are not true and sincere to their near and dears.

Saturn in the 10th house of Mesha Lagna with its 3rd, 7th, and 10th aspects sees the 12th, 4th, and 7th houses.

Saturn’s aspect to the 12th house is in some way a good one since that reduces the loss or squander.

At the same time, the native will not have good sleep, and not be satisfied with bed comforts.

Saturn’s aspect to the 4th house will give health disturbance to the native, enmity with the mother, or losing the mother, defect in education, disturbance in the house & vehicle comforts.

From its own house, Saturn’s 10th aspect to the 7th house will give a delayed marriage, love, or inter-caste marriage, an unmatched life partner, difficulties in marital life, wrong & untrue friendship, and loss in partnership business.

A dictum is ‘Saturn is in its own house, i.e., Jeevana lord in its own house, will ensure a good steady business’. But this rule does not apply here.

If this Saturn is not in benefic connection or Sukshuma position, then this Saturn should be construed as Bathakathipathi in 10th house in a powerful position.

I have seen umpteen horoscopes of the Mesha Lagna people who enjoyed everything in Bhakyathipathi Jupiter’s period and subsequently lost one after another in the 10th house full malefic Saturn’s period.

Wherever Saturn is powerful, that house will be ruined for sure.


Saturn is the 9th and 10th lord for Taurus Lagna.

Out of all 12 Lagnas, only Rishaba people do not enjoy the Dharma Karma Athipathi Yoga and this I have already explained in earlier chapters.

A natural malefic planet Saturn becomes the 9th lord the functional malefic to Rishaba Lagna.

Saturn is the Raja Yogathipathi for Rishaba and Thula Lagnas. But, as we say to Thula Lagna, we cannot say to Rishaba Lagna since Saturn is the Bathakathipathi also.

Saturn gets ruling and Mool Trikona status in Kumba, the Rishaba’s prime Kendra house and gives Sasa Yoga benefits.

This cannot be contemplated as the 10th lord is in a good position in the 10th house, Jeevana Sthana being powerful, or the 9th lord being in the 10th house thereby it is Dharma Karma Athipathi Yoga, or a professional lord being powerful hence it is a millionaire horoscope. 

As per my Sukshuma strength theory, Saturn must be in a benefic position in some way, or this Lagna’s functional benefic Mercury should be with Saturn, then only Saturn gives its good benefits to this Lagna through its Karakathvas.

It is also good if Saturn gets the connection of this Lagna’s
6th and 8th lords Venus and Jupiter.

Otherwise, full malefic Saturn gives native impermanent and unsteady jobs.

There will be frequent changes in the job.

Saturn may give any slavery job to the natives.

This 10th house Saturn sees the 12th, 4th, and 7th houses. Accordingly, the Mesha Lagna points suit very well for this Lagna also.

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