+91 8286 99 8888
When does Saturn give good benefits?(EB – 022)

Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 9768 99 8888

Let us see the effects and Karakathva of Saturn.

Saturn is in charge of all the below-mentioned. 

Working in a dirty place, alcohol addiction, liquid items, waste paper and scraps, alcohol, liquor, petrol, tar, road laying, old torn clothes, oil, leather goods, buffalo, betrayal, iron, demolished building, broken & damaged walls,

Helpers, stone mud carriers, factory workers, peons, cleaners and housekeepers, firewood sellers, forgers, Blue, airport, coolies, load men, mines, quarry workers, plastic, jail workers, punished people, public relation, criminals contact, nurses, hospital smell,

Swindling public money, union board, physical handicaps, immovable state, orphanage homes, black materials, black ink, cremators, purohits, work related to dead bodies, inquisitiveness to know after death, doubtfulness, inferiority complex, platform sales, useless gossip, shorty, foolishness, toilet cleaner, loan, being with appetite, poverty, chronic disease, cheating.

If Saturn is in exaltation without any benefic connection, Saturn gives and does all the above-mentioned.

Saturn is the Raja Yogathipathi for Rishaba and Thula Lagnas.

That too for Thula Lagna Saturn is the full Yogathipathi (4th and 5th lord).

Even at this stage also, if Saturn is in exaltation in Lagna without any benefic connection, then Saturn gives all its bad and negative Karakathvas during its period.

During the exalted Saturn period, the native happens to work in a factory as a labourer or a mechanic for a poor salary and will lead an ordinary life.

Lagna connected Saturn if without the aspect of a benefic planet or not connected with any benefic planet, will make the native a rigid and adamant person.

The native will be a shorty, unlucky, and non-cooperative person.

Saturn will make a dunce think he knows everything.

Some will be always sarcastic, don’t answer anything directly, and instead ask opposite questions, always pessimistic, and Saturn is the sole reason for these.

By seeing a person’s short height, can be concluded that he is in Saturn’s domination. At the same time, he will be very talented in Saturn’s mechanical work.

Saturn’s Karakathvas are very cruel and bad, so only in temple worship also we are careful that, after worshiping Saturn, we don’t bring any Saturn-related things to our home back.

It indicates we should not keep anything related to Saturn.    

Our parents did many Parikara pooja if a crow entered the home by any chance.


Our ancestors have told us to keep all Hindu Gods at home to worship but not Saturn. Why it is?

Saturn is given a special title of Eswar i.e.; Saturn is called as Shaneeshwar.

Then why don’t we keep Saturn at home?

Our ancestors are very knowledgeable in these ritual formalities.

Even now in ancient temples in Tamil Nadu, in Shani Sannidhi, we are not allowed to worship Saturn by standing opposite to that, instead, we are asked to worship only by standing by the sides.

The reason for this is we should not get Saturn’s aspect directly on us.

The worst example is: when a mother scolds her child, she uses only Saturn’s name to scold.

No treatise advises us to worship Saturn directly and get all the best in our lives.

For example, when we pray to Jupiter, we ask for childbirth and huge wealth.

Jupiter has these, so it can give us them.

We pray to Venus for a good wife, house, and luxurious life and Venus can give them.

We can ask Mercury for good knowledge; we can pray to Chandra for a strong mind and vitality.

What do we ask Saturn?

Will a person ask for unlucky? loan and debt? disease? Physical deformity?

Except for lifespan, Saturn has nothing to give.

Saturn’s statement will be like, I have only old and wasted residual food, then how can I give you a feast?

You can worship Saturn to appease him so that he will not give his bad Karakathvas. But instead, you better be simply silent.

When a person is hitting, kicking, harassing, and torturing you, what will you do?

Whether you run away from him or roam around with him?

As per my Sukshuma strength theory,  

* When Saturn is fully in a debilitated position,

* When Saturn is not in a position to harm,

* When it gets Jupiter’s conjunction or connection in any way,

* With any other benefic planet’s connection,

then Saturn during its Dasa period gives huge wealth through its Karakathvas.

Huge wealth given by benefic planets can be declared openly, but the malefic planets’ benefaction cannot be exposed publicly.

For Thula Lagna, 7th house Saturn gets debilitation as well as Dik Bala, and if gets Jupiter’s aspect, then Saturn during its Dasa period gives a huge wealth and a luxurious life to the native.

In the birth chart, if Saturn is in exaltation, during Saturn’s transit period, it has a very bad and cruel effect on the native.

If Saturn is in debilitation in a birth chart, during Saturn’s transit period the hard effect will be very less.

As much as Saturn is weak in a chart, the native’s life will be prosperous.

If Saturn is fully weak and gets benefic planets’ connection, then the native will enjoy a luxurious life for sure.

I have already written about this in ‘Thrisakthi Jothidam’ magazine in the heading of ‘When will a malefic planet do good things to the native’, wherein I have discussed a multimillionaire horoscope.

I have analysed more than ten thousand horoscopes in my 30 years of experience, and now I strongly vouchsafe…

In any Raja Yoga horoscope, Saturn would not have been strengthened directly.

If Saturn is in exaltation, then it would be in retro thereby in Utcha Banga, i.e., in debilitation, or would have got the benefic planets connection, and it is for sure.

At the end of this book, I will explain this with an example Raja Yoga chart. I will end this Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga book with an example chart.

Now let us see Saturn’s effects on Sara and Sthira Lagnas.

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