#adityaguruji #jodhidam
Astrologer Aditya Guruji
Cell : +91 9768 99 8888
In the last chapter, we discussed the inner-circle planets Moon, Venus, and Mercury, as well as Mars which is in the outer-circle. Now we can see Jupiter and Saturn’s distance and their point/kala.
The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter which takes 12 years to rotate Sun.
Jyothish Sastras and texts say Jupiter is the prime natural benefic planet.
It is in the distance of 77.80 crore km from the Sun and it is 3 times far away as compared to Mars’ distance.
Jupiter is at a distance of 62 crore km from the Earth. Despite this distance, Jupiter’s point/kala is 10 on the Earth i.e., 33.3% of the Sun’s.
Jupiter is the biggest and predominant planet in the Solar system.
Two satellites were sent to study the planet Jupiter, in 1979 Voyager was sent and in 1989 Galileo was sent.
The salient point we see here is …
Jupiter is the only planet that doubles the light it receives from the Sun and throws it back on the Earth.
It is well proved in this modern science world. Astronomy researchers are in puzzlement about how Jupiter can double the light it receives and to date, they cannot find the cause of it.
A planet’s aspect is nothing but the velocity and range of its light.
There is a say, that Jupiter’s aspect is very auspicious and worthy, and this special status is due to its light reflection.
Jupiter and Venus can be effortlessly seen in the sky with bare eyes without any extra glasses.
Though Jupiter is at an unimaginable distance, we can see it because of its bright reflection.
Next is…...
Saturn is at a distance of 2 times from Jupiter, i.e. from the Sun it is at 143 crore km.
Saturn is the next biggest to Jupiter, and it is a weightless gas (Vayu) planet.
Saturn’s density is less and it is filled with Vayu, hence compared to water Saturn is weightless.
Saturn’s light points or kala on Earth is just 1 only and it is almost like nil.
It takes 10 hours to rotate itself and takes 30 years to go around the Sun.
Its point/kala is just 1, hardly 3.3%, which is almost Nil.
Our Rishis and sages have given the planets’ light points or kala as per their light measurements and distance,
- Moon which is 4 lakhs km away from Earth is given 16,
-Venus which is 11 crore km from the Sun, and 4 crore km from Earth, is given 12,
-Mercury which is 8 crore km from the Sun is given 8,
-Jupiter which is very far away but still due to its capacity to double the light it receives- Jupiter is given 10.
Now only the present world of modern science has proved that Jupiter has the power to double the light it receives from the sun.
it is astounding to see in the great old period itself our Rishis and Gnanis have found this without any scientific instruments.
Our Rishis and Gnanis have segregated benefic planets and malefic planets based on their lighting reflection and their distance.
The planets that give excessive light, have many beneficial effects on mankind, through their Karakathva.
The planets that have poor reflection do not give many good benefits.
Let me explain this in yet another way,
The waxing Moon gets light from the Sun and grows day by day which is considered a benefic planet, the Pournami Moon with full brightness is considered as full natural benefic,
And the waning Moon which loses light day by day is a malefic planet, and the new Moon which is completely dark is considered as a fully malefic planet.
This is evident that benefic and malefic were segregated through their reflecting ability.
The light which is the prime cause of our birth, and our livelihood, is the basic yardstick to separate the benefic and malefic positions.
That is …………
*Despite the distance of 78 crore km from the Sun, Jupiter can double the light it receives and throw back the full brightness on Earth, hence it is considered as the full natural benefic.
*Venus is 11 crore km away from the Sun and around 4 crore km away from Earth, and has little high reflecting point/kala compared to Jupiter.
But still, Jupiter which is the biggest and at a very distance is considered as the primary natural benefic planet due to its brightness.
And Venus gets the second position. (point to be noted here: sage Pandit Kalidas in his Uttara Kalamrutha gives the first position to Venus in benefic planets order)
*Venus is an inner circle planet and Jupiter is an outer circle planet, and due to their opposite position, they were considered as Deva Guru and Asura Guru.
*Mercury is 6 crore km away from the Sun and its reflection point is 8, hence getting the 3rd position in benefic order.
*Moon’s reflection point is 16. But due to its vicinity to the Earth, it comes as the 4th benefic planet.
*Further Moon’s waxing and waning position is per the lights it gets and reflects.
Hence only the waxing Moon gets the benefic position and the waning Moon gets the malefic position.
Now we can see the malefic planets’ sequence.
*Mars is 23 crore km away from Sun, and 8 crore km away from Earth. Its reflection capacity is only 6.
Since it is very meagre compared to other planets, Mars is considered a malefic planet.
*Saturn is very far away from the Sun – around 143 crore km away - and it gets very little light from the Sun.
It is not in a position to reflect the light on Earth due to the distance.
Hence its reflection level is only 1 which is not at all useful to the lives on earth.
Hence it becomes the prime malefic planet.
These are the nuances of the benefic and malefic segregation by our Maharishis.
Accordingly, the Sun’s soul light is not available to Saturn due to its far away distance and thus it becomes a full natural malefic.
The non-light planets Rahu Ketu cannot reflect any light since they are only shadows, thus becoming malefic planets.
We can see some more nuances about Saturn in the next chapter.
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