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Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 9768 99 8888

It is very difficult to estimate the likely effects of Rahu-Kethu, when they are either placed on their own stars or when they have exchanged the stars amongst themselves with “Saara Parivartana” (exchange of stars in which they are placed) or when they are placed in one another’s star.

Rahu does not generally give good results, when placed in his own star Arudra or Swathi or Satabisham.

It is noteworthy that the five signs identified to be ideal for the placement of Rahu as per our scriptures, (viz) Mesha, Rishaba, Kataka, Kanya and Makara, do not contain the stars of Rahu.

In order to guide us in such situations, has it been advised to us to consider Rahu to give effects like Sani and Kethu like that of Mangal.

For example, when Rahu is seated on his own star, Satabisham in Kumbha sign, then he would behave totally like Sani. If Sani happens to be a benefic to the ascendant, then he would be good natured or else if he is a malefic then he would bestow evil effects.

Particularly, as Rahu is seated in his own star, the effects of Rahu would depend on significations flowing through the channels of Sani based on which house(number) Kumbha sign is to the ascendant.

For example, if Rahu is placed in Satabisham in the 9th house (Kumbha) to the native born with Mithuna ascendant, as per the rule that Rahu-Kethu when placed in angular-trinal houses would destroy the functionalities of the house before giving better results, the native’s father and paternal matters would be spoilt and further materialistic benefits through its significations like Sani, the Baghyadhipathi (lord of fortune) could be expected.

To the natives born under the Kataka ascendant, when placed in the same Kumbha sign, since Sani is the lord of the 8th house, Rahu placed in his own star would entirely give the results of placement of Sani in the 8th house, through his significations.

In such situations, the native would be inclined to pursue gambling, share trading, dubious dealings, foreign connections, association with people in other religion or other communities or speaking other languages and end up in great losses. These effects would reverse only with Sani attaining sookshma (intricate) strength or Rahu gaining the association of a benefic.

Similarly, when Rahu is seated in his own Swathi star in Tula sign, he would give results similar to a combination of Sukra and Sani, as per the ascendant. For example, if this happens to the ascendant then the dasa of Rahu placed on his own star, would be giving favourable results depending on the strength of Sukra.

At the same time if he is in the 7th house, for natives with Mesha ascendant, he would give results akin to Sani being placed in the 7th house. As the 7th house and Sukra are connected to sexual pleasures and spouse, there would be damages on these fronts.

Also, since he is in his own star, he would facilitate relationship or association with older persons, widow, widower, scoundrels, persons belonging to different religion, caste, language, as per his significations.

As Rahu is known to have the nature of spoiling the house in which he is placed in, his placement in Swathi, would cause delayed marriage or no marriage or living the life of a spinster deprived of sexual pleasures even after marriage or lack of sexual desire or interest in illegitimate relationship.

Similarly, to a native with Meena ascendant, he would become the 8th lord, when in Swathi star and depending on the status of Sukra, he would give benefits or bad effects in foreign connections, import-export, gambling, share market and dubious dealings.

The same effects apply to Rahu placed in Arudra star in Mithuna sign. As Rahu behaves like Sani and the owner of the house he is placed in, when in Kumbha, he would give the results as Sani, in Tula as Sukra and Sani combined and in Mithuna as Budha and Sani combined, through his significations and depending on which house is Mithuna sign to the ascendant in question.

Rahu would give reasonably favourable results, when placed in his own star, if he has attained beneficence and is placed in the 3rd or 11th houses from ascendant within the aforementioned framework.

Already, while describing the intricacies of Rahu in the articles of “Jothidamenum Deva Rahasiyam” (Astrology: A Divine Secret), I had indicated that the effects due to star lord of Rahu is given least priority, viz-a-viz, the other aspects like the foremost being the owner of the house they are placed, followed by the planets conjoined with them, followed by the planets aspecting them, followed by the planets that are placed in the angular houses and only finally would give the results of the lord of the star, they have been placed in.

It is a very important tenement in astrology that in order to predict the results of the dasa (major period) that is operational, the strength of the star lord on which the planet is placed has to be given foremost consideration.

But while ascribing the rules to Rahu-Kethu, I would consider, owner of the house Rahu is placed in and the planets conjoined, aspecting him to be more significant, more than the strength of the star lord, because Rahu-Kethu do not possess planetary status completely.

Though, Rahu-Kethu are only two amongst the nine planets, they exhibit entirely different features from the rest of the seven. As they happen to be the shadows of earth and Chandra, lacking abilities to reflect light and since these planets possess the ability to shield the radiance or blocking anything, in some situations the rules foretold for other planets are not completely applicable to Rahu-Kethu. They should also not be applied.

The divine abilities of our great sages in defining the contribution of Rahu-Kethu in human lives and calculating their position accurately is noteworthy. At the same time, the expertise of an astrologer could be assessed from his abilities in predicting the functionalities of these shadow planets.

The rules defined for making predictions when Rahu is placed in his own star applies to Kethu too. At the same time as Rahu-Kethu happen to be the Head and Tail respectively and the opposite ends of the same line, some aspects have to be understood differently while predicting for Kethu.

If we need to study the effects deliverable by Kethu seated in his own star, when in Dhanu sign in the Moola star, he would give the combined results of Guru and Mangal conjunction through his significations depending on which house Dhanu happens to be to that ascendant.

Similarly, when seated in Aswini star in Mesha, would behave totally as Mangal and give his significations in matters like wealth, intellect, medicine, electrical etc. through Mesha, with favours when Mesha happens to be a favourable house to the ascendant and evil effects transforming himself as Mangal, if Mesha happens to be an evil house to the ascendant.

When placed in Makha star in Simha sign, he would give the combined functionalities of Surya and Mangal and the nature of the results would follow depending on whether Simha is a favourable or unfavourable house to the ascendant. The above effects indicated for Rahu and Kethu should be considered also by combining the effects of planets aspecting them.


Aswini, Makha and Moola are certainly the stars of Kethu. But, why does Kethu placed in all three stars not give the same results? The nature of the three stars is different. Aren’t they? Hence, how do we predict the intricate accurate results of Kethu’s placement on these stars?

What are the differences between Aswini, Makha and Moola stars? How to understand? How to divulge, feel and understand towards making predictions?

Let us see in the next Chapter.

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