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#adityaguruji #jodhidam

Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 8286 99 8888

Vedic Astrology identifies a planet on the basis of its functionalities or significations and in that Rahu is identified as a significator of luxuries, while Kethu is the significator of knowledge or intellect.

Between the spiritualistic and the materialistic groups led by Guru and Sukra respectively, Kethu is known to be favourable to the ascendants of Guru and his friends like Surya, Chandra and Mangal.

Vedic Astrology has already clarified that Rahu and Kethu are opposite end points of the same straight line.
If Rahu is the hard deep dark central point, wherein light cannot enter, while we keep moving away from the central point, with diminishing darkness, Kethu is the point wherein light and darkness combine to give an orangish hue. Due to this reason our ancestors have always termed Rahu to be the black snake and Kethu to be a red snake.

While Rahu is responsible for one to indulge in average worldly pleasures like soil, women, gold etc., Kethu on the other hand makes one enjoy the pleasures of spiritual blessings.

Frequent visitors to our temples of worship, that are monuments of divine grace, could have realised one aspect. It is that most of the Alwars and Nayanmars (religious saints) are born in the stars of either Kethu or Rahu.

To put it more subtlely, the holy foursome, who have nurtured our gracious religion of Hinduism, like his holiness Thirugnanasambandar, Thirunavukkarasar, holy Manickavasagar and holy Kandarar have all been born in the stars of Kethu/Rahu.

Amongst them the fact that, Sambandar being Vaishaka-Moola, Navukkarasar Chaitra- Sathabisham, Kandarar Aashada-Swati, Manikkavasagar Jyestha-Makha, would clearly reveal the knowledge attributed by Rahu-Kethu.

Amongst the nine planets, Guru, Sani and Kethu are alone capable of inclining anybody towards spirituality. When a Kethu that has attained subathuva (beneficence) is associated with Guru and Sani that has sookshma (intricate)strength, then it makes one unconditionally spiritual.

In such situations, if Kethu occupies the houses, that have been indicated in our scriptures to be his stronghold like, Kumbha, Vrischika, Kanya or in the houses owned by Guru like Dhanu or Meena or with sookshma (intricate)strength in the Makara house of Sani or in association or aspect of Guru or Sani, then he would lead anyone towards attainment of ultimate level of intellect.

When Kethu is associated either with the ascendant or with rasi or Chandra in other words, then he would make one a hermit to realise the “Brahmam” or almighty. Kethu is the creator of sages or great seers, who are unattached and devoid of falsehood and whose utterances stimulate the world.

Similarly, when Kethu is beneficially associated with the 5th and 9th houses in a horoscope, that are responsible for mind, thought and fortune, then the native would have spiritual inclination. A person with such a configuration, would be anywhere from a godman, leading a religious cult, Jagadguru (world leader) down to the level of temple priest in a village depending on the level of subathuva (beneficence) and sookshma (intricate)strength of Kethu.

Kethu is responsible for one to understand the truths, secrets and intricacies. Based on the levels of strength, subathuva (beneficience) and sookshma (intricate)strength of Kethu in any horoscope, he would be able to explore the hidden secrets in his field.

Persons with such configurations in the horoscope would be able to appreciate the another dimension of any topic or comment. This applies to both science as well as spirituality or divine knowledge.

Scientists and spiritualists belong to the same category in a way that they “innovate or discover”. Kethu creates both of them. When Budha is directly powerful in a horoscope and is associated with Kethu, one becomes a scientist and if on other hand, if a powerful Guru or Sani is in contact with Kethu, then he would be a spiritualist.

Also, when ascendant or Chandra is placed on the stars owned by Kethu, namely Ashwini, Makha or Moola, the native would have the ability to appreciate the intricacies in our Vedas.

Though, Rahu and Kethu have been indicated as two different planets, basically they happen to be one. Hence, Rahu-Kethu have been picturised and told to us, as a single snake, with Rahu being the head and Kethu, the tail.

Hence, if Rahu or Kethu should give beneficial results then both of them need to contact the opposite ends of the issue. Only then would the native realise a completeness and would attain the ability to achieve anything during the dasa (major period) of Rahu or Kethu.

Examples of such configurations are like the connection between the ascendant and the moon sign with Rahu and Kethu or the placement of ascendant or Chandra on the stars belonging to them, or when the husband has Satabisham as his star and wife has Makha has her star.

At the same time, Kethu dasa does not give material bliss just as Rahu dasa. Our scriptures clearly demarcate that Rahu is the provider of material bliss and Kethu is the provider of eternal bliss. Since Rahu makes one derive pleasure through the materialistic things, he is termed as a significator of pleasures, while Kethu makes one relish the divine grace through eternal bliss and hence termed as the significator of wisdom.

As Rahu and Kethu supposedly give away the attributes of the owner of the house that they are seated, if in a horoscope Kethu is seated in the house owned by Sukra, provider of materialistic pleasures or associated beneficially with Sukra or is associated with the most beneficial planet of the horoscope, then he would bestow materialistic benefits also, through straightforward means during his dasa(major period).

The difference between the provision of materialistic bliss by Rahu and Kethu is that while Rahu would give enormous wealth through covetous means that would not be possible to be explained explicitly, Kethu would give material benefits in the most direct and prestigious ways.

Also, Kethu does not give severe effects in dosha configuration (malefic combination) like that of Rahu. For example, I have indicated earlier while explaining the intricacies of Rahu, that when he gets extremely closer to a planet, then he would grab all the functionalities of the planet only to be given back during his dasa.

The real meaning of this statement is that when a planet is conjoined with Rahu very closely, then he would surrender completely and lose all his might.

Kethu does not deliberately capture or invade other planets. A planet that is closely conjoined with Kethu, does not lose his powers totally. The planet would still have the power to provide his functionalities to the native.

As Rahu is deep unimaginable darkness, impossible for light to penetrate, any planet conjoining him would never been seen outside. No illumination can escape from the planet to do good or bad to mankind.

But, Kethu on the other hand is a shallow darkness that could be seen through. Hence, the illumination of the planet associated with Kethu would be reasonably alive and withstanding. The radiance of the planet does not get submerged entirely into Kethu. Hence, a planet conjoining with Kethu would still retain its’ ability to do good or bad.

Office Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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