+91 8286 99 8888

adityaguruji #jodhidam

Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 8286 99 8888

Due to the ability of the shadow planets to briefly mask even the rays of Surya, the basis of creation of life on this earth, our scriptures give the first position to shadow planets in the list of strength of planets in the descending order.

Amongst the nine planets, Rahu alone possesses the capability of completely preventing or atleast reducing the attribution of signification of a planet or the functionality of the house in which he is placed in.

Just like a planet getting into close proximity to Surya becomes combust, a planet getting closer to Rahu would also lose its strength. Specifically, a planet in close proximity within about 8 degrees, would lose its identity to Rahu.

This means that planets within the close proximity of either a highly luminous or a shadow planet lose their individuality.

For example, Guru in close proximity to Rahu is incapable of blessing the native with children, great wealth, truthful nature and spirituality.

Sukra getting closer to Rahu, would not be able to give feminine pleasures, luxury, romantic encounters and a comfortable life. Mangal would lose his characteristic anger, valor, rage, hard mind and siblings.

Sani that surrenders to Rahu, would  be unable to give poverty, penury, debt, disease and physical disability. As Chandra  is the ruler of the mind and the decisions made by the mind, when he gets closer to Rahu, the native would lose ability to control his mind and become mentally ill. Affection from mother would be lost.

Rahu associated with Budha, would diminish the intelligence. Wisdom would also be minimal. Arithmetic ability would vanish. Surya would lose the ability to give personal confidence, governmental connections, gains from the government and support from father.

Even if a planet is placed extremely powerfully in exaltation or with a mooltrikon strength or in his own house, if it gains proximity to Rahu all its power would vanish. Please compare the above facts with the horoscopes of persons known to you. It would be agreeable.

For example, in the horoscope of the Great seer of Kanchi , a divine incarnation  and a living example of ascetism  in our times, the one who has never had a whiff even of a female other than uttering the name of Kamatchi, the association of Rahu with an exalted Sukra in Meena could be cited.

It has been told in our scriptures that a combust planet with close proximity to Surya, would gain its original strength, when in mutual exchange. But to a planet associated with Rahu there is no such recourse.

(As Budha is always in close proximity to Surya, Great poet Kalidasa indicated that Budha does not have the effects of combustion. Some ancient scriptures also exclude Sukra from this dosha(evil effect)).

What I have listed above is only the significations of the planets. In the horoscopes the functionalities of the planets based on wherever they have been placed, would also be affected when the planets lose their strength.

That means, if the owner of 5th house is associated with Rahu, then progeny, luck, thought process and the ability to perform would be affected. If the lord of the 6th house gets associated then the native would enjoy a disease-free, debt-free and enemy-free living.

When the 7th lord is associated with Rahu, a delay in marriage or no marriage at all or more than one marriage etc. could result. If the 8th lord is associated with Rahu, then it would be difficult for the native to have a longer life.

At the same time, one more thing needs to be mentioned here. As Rahu would also imbibe the characteristics of the planets that are though not in close proximity but do exist alongside in the same zodiacal sign, Rahu would bestow their significations and functionalities corresponding to the house during his dasa(major period) and bhukti(sub-period). During Rahu dasa, he would give away whatever he has snatched from them.

For example, Rahu during his dasa, when placed along with Guru in a favourable disposition, would bestow great wealth, birth of children  and correspondingly give luxurious life including feminine pleasures, when placed along with Sukra.

Similarly, Rahu would reflect the maleficence of the malefic planets he is conjoined with, during his dasa, to give extreme difficulties to the native. Specifically, it is extremely difficult to expect  good results during the dasa of Rahu, when he is aspected or associated with Sani or Mangal. The result is no different even if they happen to be benefics of the ascendant.

To predict the effects of Rahu dasa, we need to very intricately assess, the degree-wise proximity of the associated planet, has the planet got weakened by any other means, at the same time what is the nature of the zodiacal sign they are placed in, what is that house counting from the ascendant, is that house a stronghold for Rahu, whose aspect or association does Rahu have additionally, on what star is Rahu and the associated planet seated, is that star lord a benefic or malefic to the ascendant, what house does the star lord owns etc…

What are the effects of Rahu placed in Angular or Trinal houses?

It is a general rule that Rahu placed in Angular or Trinal houses would spoil that house.

But, when it is told that natural benefics should not be the owners of Angular houses,  the hidden intricacy  implied through this fact is that the natural malefics should also not hold the lordships of Trinal houses. Based on my research on the  concept of lords of obstruction, I can conclude that  the natural malefic, Rahu, would reflect the nature of the lord of the house(5th or 9th houses) in which he is placed and  if those are owned by Sani or Mangal, he would give extremely malefic results.

Rahu would give negative results when placed in the 5th house, to the natives of Kataka or Tula ascendants.

In such cases, when Rahu dasa or bhukti is operational, bad effects with respect to issues relating to children, loss of children, hostility and dishonour with respect to children, lack of luck and loss of ancestral property would result. Further, the functionalities of the 5th house would totally collapse.

In the same measure, Rahu would give utmost negative results to the natives of Mithuna and Meena when placed in the 9th house.

Rahu in the 9th house to these ascendants, would cause loss of support from father, death of father, animosity and loss of fortune.

To the ascendants as indicated above,   Rahu placed solitarily in the Trinal houses would give results as indicated above. But, if Rahu in these houses is aspected by a benefic or is associated with a lord of an Angular house, then the results would differ slightly. Negative results would not change.

Just like, when the benefic planets occupying Angular houses giving rise to “Kendradhipathiya dosha (malefic effects due to a benefic occupying an angular house)”, a Rahu placed all alone in the Angular house would spoil that house altogether.

As indicated in this series earlier that Rahu and Kethu functionalise the “Karako Bhava Nasti(When the significator is placed in the functional house the result are nullified)”, most often it is Rahu and Kethu who functionalise the “Kendradhipathiya dosha (malefic effects due to a benefic occupying an angular house)” too very effectively.

That too when Chandra is approaching completeness in its waxing phase, Rahu placed in the 7th house of Kataka is utmost dangerous. In this configuration when Chandra is placed in Makara aspecting the Rahu, spouse would be affected during the dasa and bhukti of Rahu.

That means, Rahu and Kethu associated with the planets in “Kendradhipathiya dosha (malefic effects due to a benefic occupying an angular house)” would give away their significations. This would happen in the dasa and bhukt of Rahu and Kethu or of those planets.

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