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#adityaguruji #jodhidam

Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 8286 99 8888

Our scriptures indicate that generally Rahu would give results like Sani and Kethu would give like that of Mangal.

The hidden intricacy in this is….

Rahu would bestow favourable results to the ascendants belonging to friends of Sani like Sukra or Budha, namely, Rishaba, Mithuna, Kanya, Tula including Makara and Kumbha. Kethu would give favourable results to the six ascendants belonging to friends of Mangal like Surya, Chandra or Guru, namely Kataka, Simha, Dhanu, Meena including Mesha and Vrischik.

To the natives born in one of the two groups of ascendants as indicated above, Rahu or Kethu would give great benefits based on the ascendant if they are placed well in the horoscope.

Another intricacy is that Rahu would be the “lucky charm” to the natives of Mithuna, without giving any evil effects.

Generally to the natives of Mithuna, Sukra alone becomes a lone benefic as Sani, the lord of fortune house is also the owner of the evil 8th house and the ascendant lord, Budha also attains “Kendradhipathiya dosha”(owner of angular house occupying an angular house) due to his ownership of 4th house additionally and hence cannot be considered as  total benefics.

Also, as the natural malefic Sani, is also the owner of the 9th  trinal house of Mithuna, Rahu alone brings luck to Mithuna ( It is better to understand the difference between harbinger of luck and benefic here).

Based on my astrological research spanning over more than 30 years, it can be suggested that Rahu does not give severely unfavourable results during his dasa to the natives of Mithuna, however badly he is placed or associated with malefics. Most of the scriptures in northern languages (Hindi, Sanskrit) attribute Mithuna to be the house of exaltation of Rahu. This could also be a reason for Rahu to give favourable results, when placed in Mithuna.

There are several opinions on the houses of ownership, exaltation and debilitation of Rahu. As Rahu behaves like Sani, the static house of Sani, (ie) Kumbha and similarly as Kethu behaves like Mangal, Vrischik, the static house of Mangal have been indicated to be the own houses respectively for Rahu and Kethu, in some scriptures in northern languages (Hindi, Sanskrit).

But, it appears to be an intercalation by some others to the concepts proposed by our knowledgeable sages, who have well thought out and delineated the ownership of  houses of the 7 materialistic planets based on the regions in space where they cast their influence as their Rasis, clearly avoiding assigning any ownership to Rahu and Kethu, as they are not made of any material. It hence appears that the research for own houses to Rahu and Kethu by itself is farcical.

But, in Parashara Hora, Maharishi Parashara has assigned Rishaba to be the house of exaltation, Kataka to be the moolatrikon house and Kanya to be the own house for Rahu. Maharishi Kalidasa also in his Uttarakalamirtha has indicated Rishaba to be the house of exaltation for Rahu. Most of the scriptures in South India indicate Vrischik to be the house of exaltation of Rahu and Rishaba as the house of debilitation.

Based on my long years of experience and also on my “Papa grahangalin sookshma valu( intricate strength of malefic planets)” theory, that malefic planets should never get strengthened directly and that they would do harm when they get positional strength, Rahu in Rishaba has never known to harm anyone, it has only given favourable results.

At the same time as the dasa of Rahu placed in Vrischik delivers unfavourable results, I would conclude that Vrischik is the house of exaltation of Rahu and Rishaba is the house of his debilitation.

Further, as per the guidelines of “Kaalpurusha” (general human being of the ages) theory, the houses of exaltation of planets Surya and Chandra, who are giving us the illumination, happen to be the first two houses of zodiac, (ie) Mesha and Rishaba respectively.

It would be inappropriate to consider Rishaba to be the house of exaltation for Rahu considering that it is the planet realised out of the shadow of Chandra and hence it is my opinion that it does not correlate well to mark the same space for exaltation for a luminous planet and also its’ shadow.

At the same time as luminescence and darkness are opposites, since no other planet attains exaltation in Vrischik and also it happens to be the diagonally opposite position to Rishaba, it would be appropriate to consider the same to be the house of exaltation of Rahu.

There are certain other intricate points related to this aspect, which I would explain later.

Does Rahu and Kethu have aspect?

Some attribute 3,7 and 11 aspects to Rahu and Kethu. I have written about this earlier. I have explained earlier that the aspect of a planet is nothing but the flow of its radiance.

It is hence inappropriate to assume any aspect of Rahu and Kethu, as they are devoid of any natural illumination and also they lack the ability to reflect any light. Hence, I propose that Rahu and Kethu do not have any aspect.

But as Rahu and Kethu rotate in opposite directions at 180 degrees to each other and one would affect the other placed at the 7th diagonally opposite position, it is appropriate to consider the same as an aspect. It is not correct to assume that  Rahu aspects Kethu in the 7th house and similarly that Kethu aspects Rahu in the 7th house. It is wrong.

Those who disagree to my proposition and cite horoscopes with evil results, attributing  the effects of 3rd or 7th aspect of Rahu, my answer to them would simply be to request them to recheck the horoscope and identify what other evil aspect is prevailing on the functionality or the aspect of the house.

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