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#adityaguruji #jodhidam

Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 8286 99 8888 

I had explained in the previous article that a natural malefic like Sani should not gain strength directly. 

To put it more precisely, if any of the malefic planets in a horoscope gains direct strengthening by way of placement in own house or in exaltation , then they do not give good results to the native.

If the malefic planets get strengthened by way of placement in own house or in exaltation then they should be aspected by benefic planets or should occupy hidden or evil houses. Only in such a configuration would they give good results during their dasa (major period).

Amongst the six different measures, (viz.) sthana bala(positional strength), dig bala(directional strength), drik bala(aspectual strength), kaala bala(strength from time), ayana bala(seasonal strength) and chesta bala(strength from movement) prescribed by our sages to estimate the strength of the planets, between sthanabala(positional strength) and digbala(directional strength), it has been indicated that  digbala(directional strength) is exclusively meant for assessing the  malefic planets.

Amongst these two measure of strengths, it is preferable for a malefic planet to attain digbala(directional strength) over sthana bala(positional strength). At the same time it is not a favorable configuration for Sani and Mangal to attain both sthana bala(positional strength) and dig bala(directional strength). Favourable results could be expected from Sani and Mangal only when they lose the sthana bala (positional strength) completely and gain in digbala(directional strength).

Losing sthana bala(positional strength) would mean that the planet would be devoid of bestowing his significations or character.

Considering the descending order of strength of a planet from placement in exaltation, mooltrikon house, own house, friendly house, equal house, inimical house to debilitation, a planet in exaltation would completely transmit his character to the native.

This means that progressively from  being in mooltrikon house to own house placement to friendly house placement the planet would be gradually losing its ability to bestow his character and ultimately when at debilitation it would lose the ability to give his significations altogether and become totally non-functional.

Sani is a natural malefic. It is only destined to give debts, disease, poverty, physical impairment, dwelling in dirty areas and physical labor to the natives.

When Sani is exalted without subathuva (beneficence) or sookshma (intricate) strength, he would function in all the ways as indicated earlier. He would only give debt, disease and poverty to the native.

When he loses his sthana bala(positional strength) and is in debilitation, then he is incapable of bestowing his significations to the native. This means that he is incapable of giving debt, disease and poverty to the native.

Only in such a configuration when his bad significations cannot be passed on, filtering out of his bad character and also gets associated with benefics like Guru, can Sani become favourable. Even then he would do good only through his evil significations.

When in a horoscope Sani attains exaltation and retrogression simultaneously along with aspect from Guru or when in debilitation and is with association of a benefic, then he would make one very wealthy through his career related significations.

At the same time an exalted Sani without contact in any form from benefics, would make the native earn a meager living by being a rickshaw puller or one who carries loads and counting his pennies .

Another important attribute of Sani is that he is a dispassionate Judge. He is the only planet with the authority to punish human beings as per their providences.

Unlike that for the other planets, Sani has some special procedures for worship and remedies that have been prescribed by our divine sages and siddhas. But over the period of time, we are completely doing the opposite due to lack of understanding.

Pointedly, our sages have suggested to not stand in front of sanctum while worshipping Sani. But without taking cognizance of the same, we are worshipping Sani by standing on to the side.

In this same greatest religion of the world, Hinduism,  that prescribes  the noble form of worshipping the god by standing in front with a bare chest without shirt, the advice of our sages to not stand in front of a planetary god should only be inferred as “Please do not worship Sani”.

Why do we worship a planet?

It is towards expectation that the planet bless us with our requirement with whatever is in his possession.

Likewise, as Guru is the significator of wealth and progeny, worshipping Guru is with an expectation that he would bless us with wealth and children. If Sukra is worshipped then he would bestow good vehicle and wife that are in his control. Worship of Chandra ensures mental strength and wellbeing of mother. Gaining intellect is certain by holding on to Budha. Surrendering even to Mangal would bestow bravery and support from siblings.

But what would you get by worshipping Sani? What does he hold that could be passed on to you? What is he destined to give to human beings praying to him?

Isn’t debt, disease, poverty, physical impairment apart from longevity are the only things available with him? Isn’t he the significator for longevity? That is why our sages have asked to not stand in front of Sani.

Even in this mobile era, are we more knowledgeable in the spiritual matters than our ancestors?

Why did our forefathers, who taught us  to keep the pictures of all gods for worship, have not asked us to worship the picture of Sani in the house? Why have they advised us to not bring home the prasad(offerings)or anything related to Sani?

(Nowadays there is a propaganda going on suggesting to carry the prasad(offering) of Sani to residences. Pictures of Sani are also available).


If not to be worshipped, why have the temples been built? Why are certain temples having separate sanctums for Sani?

An octogenarian old man wants to witness the wedding of his granddaughter. These sanctums of Sani have come into being for the sake of extending the life span that old person holding a stick and shivering to seek, “Give me a year more of lifespan to witness the marriage of my darling granddaughter, further to which I would happily proceed to reach the holy feet of god” or seeking to extend the lifespan of a youngster on the  death bed after a tragic accident with a pregnant wife beside or to beg for life for a newborn that has a congenital hole in the heart.

These are meant for seeking longevity and not for seeking luck.

In the temple history of Thirunallaru, it has been told that Emperor Nala visited the temple after 7½ (Sade Sati) Sani period , took a holy dip in the temple pond and prayed to god Darbaranyeswara.

A disturbing fact has to be certainly mentioned here.

All the planets are inclusive within the principal ancient Sarveswara (almighty) in our revered religion. All the nine planets are only servants of Easan(Lord Shiva). The punishment to our sins are assigned by lord Shiva through his foot  to be  executed by the nine planets through their head.

None of the planets are gods. To explain this concept our sages have assigned an “adhidevata” (governing or demi gods) to each of the planets to differentiate them from the gods.

But unfortunately in the recent era,  worship of the main vedic deity of the temple is neglected and instead the sanctums of planets have assumed prominence.

I had recently been to a Navagraha sthalam(temple of one of the nine planets) near Kumbakonam.  I witnessed the sanctum of the planet was crowded without any space, while the sanctum of the main deity of the temple was devoid of any rituals. I sat down in front of the sanctum of the main deity and prayed with my family peacefully for about an hour.

Where are we going…?

We are deviating from the noble methodologies of worship preached by our divine sages and ancestors and are getting influenced by unethical forms of worship.

Even today, I advise my customers to first worship the main deity in any temple as per procedure and subsequently move to the sanctums of the planets for performing remedial rituals.


Why is Sani alone referred with a “eswara” title…?

An unrealistic story that god has bestowed the “eswara” title to Sani is doing rounds only in Tamil Nadu. This is completely wrong.

In India, our country, where a same tradition is followed right from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, the gods have been referred with the same names all over. In some places as per the dialect the names might get modified a bit, but the meaning remains the same. As Murugu, in a sense is beauty(in tamil), Murugan in Tamil Nadu would be referred to Karthikeya in Northern State. That’s all.

But, Sani alone is celebrated with an additional title and is called as Saneeswaran. In Northern States he is either Sani Dev or Sani Mahatma or Sani Bhagwan only… Never Saneeswara.

In our great Hinduism there is one and only almighty, Sarveswara(The ultimate god). He is almighty and creator of crores of planets like Sani. He alone deserves to adorn this title. None of his creations can have this.

How did this title of “eswara” enter Tamil?

Our divine language, Sanskrit, refers to Sani as “Sanaischara”. This means that he moves slowly. In any temple if one observes carefully, the learned brahmin priests would only utter “Sanaischara Swamy” while reciting the hymns of Sani.

This has been accustomed to become Saneeswara Swamy in due course of time and the story that he alone holds the title of “eswara” among the planets is a baseless and interleaved story.

To address Sani as Saneeswara would only increase one’s dosha(sins) and would not do any favours.

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