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Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 8286 99 8888

Sukra attains more power or exaltation in Meena and gets weakened or debilitated in Kanya. There is a contradiction in the status of Sukra.

He gains lot of strength in the house of his bitter enemy while loses his strength totally in the house of his very close friend. I have explained about this earlier. For those who do not know, please think why?

Precise degree-wise analysis of exaltation-debilitation indicate that Sukra would be with an exalted status only upto 27 degrees in Meena. In the last three degrees he does not have the strength equivalent to that of exaltation.

Which means, at the far end of the zodiacal wheel in the sign of Meena, that is between 357 to 360 degrees, Sukra is not in exaltation. At the same time, he does not have an ownership status too.

Sukra would be having a strength akin to Trisanku(famous mythological character who could not reach the heaven neither could return back to earth), which is neither exaltation or its equivalent. To put is more accurately, Sukra does not give results of exaltation when placed in vargottama(occupying same sign in rashi and navamsa(9th divisional)) in the 4th pada of Revathi star. I have noticed this aspect in some of the horoscopes.

Sukra would attain the mooltrikon status, which is considered only next to exaltation, in Tula and ownership status in Rishaba. In the houses owned by Budha and Sani like Mithuna, Makara and Kumbha he would have a friendly status. As Surya and Chandra are considered to be his enemies, in the Kataka and Simha houses he would hold an inimical status and would lose his strength. This could be ascribed as the loss of strength while travelling towards the debilitated state.

In Mesha, Vrischik and Dhanu he would hold a status below that of friendship but higher than that of an enemy or equal status or strength. As under any circumstance if the planet is in vargottama (occupying same sign in rashi and navamsa(9th divisional)) gains the status equivalent to ownership, it is indeed beneficial for Sukra to attain vargottama in any horoscope.

As indicated earlier, in any horoscope, the natural benefics like Guru and Sukra should never get weakened. Which means a horoscope cannot be considered to be lucky if either one of them is weakened, driving them to lose their ability to function and thereby losing their strength. Under these circumstances, it would be a great blessing if Sukra and Guru undergo parivarthana(mutual exchange).

As the threesome, Surya, Budha and Sukra would always be proximal to each other, Budha and Sukra would frequently undergo asthangatha(combustion). It is an astrological tenement that the planets in combustion would lose their strength.

Our scriptures are united in excluding Budha alone from the asthangatha or asthamana dosha(unfavourable effects due to combustion). But there are differences in the ideologies on the assignment of asthamana dosha to Sukra, with some in favour and some against. But if Sukra has attained parivarthana(mutual exchange), while in asthamana, then he would regain the lost strength.

Parivarthana is nothing but the mutual placement of two planets in each other’s house. Vedic astrology regards this configuration to be very lucky. Parivarthana(mutual exchange) of planets that are destined to benefit the mankind like Guru and Sukra, would result in awarding ownership status to both.

The weakening effects due to placement in hidden houses would also get nullified and instead they would be capable of bestowing benefits to the native as though being in their own house.

At the same time it is a basic astrological rule that any yoga(benefit) will give results only during the dasa(major period) of the concerned planet. Parivarthana(mutual exchange) is also not an exception to this rule. Some sookshma(intricate)special status and yogas(benefits) do not give results in bhukti(sub period) but are effective only during the dasa(major period) of the planet.

The reason behind this fact is that the lords of the bhuktis(sub-period) that are the parts of the dasa(major period) are bound by the dasa lord. The lord of the bhuktis cannot operate independently overruling the dasa lord. If the dasa lord is the king then the lord of the bhukti is just a minister. In any dasa, the lord of the dasa is the powerful leader.

As an example, if the lord of dasa could be considered to be the proprietor in a firm, then the lord of the bhukti could be personified as the manager and that of the anthara(sub sub period) would function as the worker in the firm.

Hence, if a planet does not attain power by direct means but gains sookshma(intricate) power implicitly with parivarthana(mutual exchange) yoga, then as the lord of the bhukti, he would be unable to function beyond the dasa lord. Only during his dasa or his reign would he be able to bestow his significations in entirety to the native.

When Sukra is associated with his friend Budha, he would give completely favourable results without any shortfall. A debilitated Budha in association with an exalted Sukra in Meena, would result in glorification of Budha by Sukra to make him strong, evenwhile Sukra getting weakened. This is referred to by Mahapurusha Kalidasa that any planet getting associated with a debilitated planet gets only a zero strength.

Sukra’s association with Sani, his yet another friend, would glorify Sani while weakening self. Under such circumstances if Sani has attained subathuva(beneficience) by other means too, then the entire dasa(major period) of Sani would be very rewarding while the Sukra dasa would only bestow average results.

When he is associated with Rahu, whom he considers as his friend, the results would be the same as with Sani. At the same time, the weakening of Sukra would be proportionally dependent on the proximity of association with Rahu. Mixed results could be expected when Sukra is associated either with Surya or Chandra. He would give contradicting results when associated with Mangal.

When combined with Mangal, Sukra would lose his status and get weakened completely. This is like a female surrendering or losing herself totally to a valiant male. That too, when the association with Mangal happens when Sukra is in inimical or debilitated state, he would ensure that the native is bereft of the natural tendencies of Sukra.

I have indicated in the first Chapter that Sukra should not be associated with Guru. Association with Kethu is not bad.

Artistic faculties, music, dance, beautiful women, sense of beauty, television, restaurant business, nice house, virgin girl, wealth, painting, sculpture, barber, items used by ladies, not so useful things, splendor, textiles, gambling, marriage, entertaining games, happiness, youthful pulse, love, luxurious vehicle, pleasure from women, sperm, lust, extravagance, jewels, ship, poetry, literature, cinema, sexual activities, private parts, worshipping female deity, new dress, white colored objects, wife, flowers, youth, attraction, cosmetic items, ornamental things, water related, silver, vehicles, profit through women, eye, beauty, South eastern direction, becoming emotional, swimming, young age, musical instruments, color, perfumes, diamond, sour taste, lots of money, brahmins etc. would give profits.

At the same time if the Sukra has lost its subathuva(beneficience) and has become a malefic all the attributes listed above would give contrasting negative results.

Degree- wise explanations for Exaltation and Debilitation

Intricate details have been encrypted with respect to the degrees of highest exaltation and lowest debilitation aspects of planets. It would be difficult to explain the concept mathematically and with figures here. We can elaborate on the intricacies of the degrees of highest exaltation and lowest debilitation at some other occasion.

Sukra would be debilitated in the first 27 degrees of Kanya. Sukra does not get weakened in that last three degrees of Kanya.

We would be able to appreciate the aspects of lowest debilitation and highest exaltation only on the basis of experience with horoscopes. For example, when it is said that Surya is debilitated in Tula, to those born when it is in the first 20 degrees or upto the first 20 days after entry into Tula or until 20th of Aippasi(Tamil month approximately between Oct 15th to Nov 15th), would he be weakened and lack in giving his significations.

To those born after these days, Surya would certainly be powerful towards benefitting through his significations. This status can be assessed by comparing with known horoscopes.

When predictions fail, if we look for excuses in calculation, we will be unable to resonate with the underlying intricacies on the degrees of highest exaltation and lowest debilitation as told by our saints.

A successful astrologer is the one who immediately analyses the reasons for failure and figures out why it has happened.

For example, when a prediction is made on the presumption that Surya is debilitated andthat fails, an astrologer, instead of finding lame excuses like Surya could have attained neechabhanga(cancellation of debilitation) by other means or been powerful in navamsa(9th divisional), looks into the precise status of exaltation and debilitation as told by our saints, he would be able to correct himself and make accurate predictions.

Remedies for Sukra

When Sukra is a benefic and is weakened, then a visit to offer prayers at Kanjanur near Kumbakonam, on one of the days when the star of the day is same as the birth star, and also remain inside the temple for about 2½ hours is beneficial.

Offering prayers on a Friday at Srirangam, wherein my lord Thiruvarangan is blessing in a lying down posture and remaining in the temple for a period of “Muhurtha”(48 minutes) .

To those in thondai mandalam, (ie) Chennai, Arulmighu Velliswarar temple at Mangadu is a well established Sukra sthalam(temple devoted for worship of Sukra). Worshipping here every Friday for one nazhigai( 24 minutes) would increase the strength of Sukra.

The Velliswarar temple situated in Chennai Mylapore is also an ancient Sukra sthalam(temple devoted for the worship of Sukra). All the temples in Tamil Nadu with a primary nomenclature as “Velliswaran” are remedial sites for worship of Sukra.

When there are obstacles due to Sukra while residing in countries outside India without feasibility for visiting any of the remedial sites, then on Fridays between 8 to 9 pm during the Sukra hora, offer a white fancy dress, jasmine flowers , one silver coin, little curd, two handfuls of mochai(field beans) and one perfume in a silver or stainless steel plate to a young virgin girl(the girl should be very young and necessarily a virgin, hence I am specifying that she should be very young)between the ages of 15 and 16.

When Sukra is favourably disposed this offering should not be made.

When Sukra is in a weak disposition leading to delayed marriage or denial of marital pleasures, his grain, white mochai(field beans), should be placed beneath the pillow every Friday for about 20 weeks and then the 20 packets should be collected and be dispersed in the well, pond, river or sea depending on the placement of Sukra in a moveable or fixed or dual signs. This would nullify the dosha (maleficience) due to Sukra.

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