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Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 8286 99 8888

Everyone is aware of the classification of friendship and rivalry amongst the planets and that  Sukra is a deadly enemy of  Guru. Guru also considers Budha to be his rival, but only next to Sukra. As Guru has a soft corner for Sani, the friend of Sukra and Budha, Guru is not an enemy of Sani.

Similarly, amongst Rahu-Kethu, Guru prefers Kethu and their association gives rise to good financial wealth and also Kelayoga(a special combination ). Kethus  is liked by Guru, as his association does not weaken the Guru.

But,  Rahu is not considered to be his friend, as when Guru is associated with Rahu would lose his strength based on the proximity and the house in which they conjoin. To put it differently, Guru, who would beneficiate anyone who gets associated with him, would simply lose all his strength while sanctifying Rahu. This is called as the Guru-Chandala(untouchable) yoga(special combination).

If one considers the friendships of Guru, Chandra is his close friend. When Chandra and Guru are placed opposite to each other and are exchanging their radiance through the sama sapthama(7th) aspect, then both of them become powerful. Placement of Guru in the 7th house from Chandra gives rise to exceptional results for both the planets.

At the same time, when a powerful Guru is placed in 5th or 9th house from Chandra and aspects Chandra, the radiance of Chandra and Guru combine to give very special power to the horoscope. This boosts the horoscope.

Guru aspecting the moon sign is hence said to protect and sanctify to the horoscope.

After Chandra, Mangal is the next best friend of Guru. As Chandra and Mangal are mutually unrelenting friends with good understanding, Guru eventually becomes very friendly with Mangal as he happens to be the friend of his friend.

Aspect and association of Guru would control the factual significations of Mangal. Mangal’s anger and impulsive rash behavior would be subverted and his character would be completely transformed by a powerful Guru. Guru has a very special place in shaping up Mangal to bestow positive results.

Lastly, Surya is also a friend of Guru. When Surya and Guru are placed opposite to each other, Guru would reflect back the radiance or aspect received, thereby sanctifying Surya and in turn attains an adhi vakra(severe retrograde) status.

This combination is defined as Siva Raja yoga(beneficial combination) which is capable of bestowing leadership. Also, Guru placed in 5th or 9th houses from Surya and aspecting it, can nullify the weaknesses of Surya.

If we would like to make an analysis of  the benefits gifted by Guru for each ascendant, to the ascendants of Mesha and Vrischik belonging to Mangal, he would be a benefic  being the Bhagyadhipathi (lord of house of fortune) or the lord of  9th house and as the  Poorvapunyadhipathi (lord of house of inherited virtues) or the lord of the 5th house, and would bestow favourable results during his dasa(major period). To these ascendants his placement in Kendra(angular) or Kona(trinal) house as the owner or in exaltation or in a friendly disposition would be beneficial.

To the ascendants of  houses  owned by  Chandra and Surya, being the Bhagyadhipathi(lord of house of fortune) or the lord of  9th house  for Kataka and as the  Poorvapunyadhipathi(lord of house of inherited virtues) or the lord of the 5th house for Simha, Guru would be a functional  benefic. To all the four ascendants as mentioned above, even if he is weak or is placed in debilitation or placed in an inimical house, he would not give unfavourable results to a certain extent. Whatever be his status, he would try to save the native from the adversities.

At the same time as the ascendants owned by him, Dhanu and Meena, are dual in nature and since the owner of dual house getting strengthened by occupying the Kendra(angular) or Kona(trinal) houses is not known to give good results, to the Meena ascendants, his exaltation does not give very beneficial results. Instead his placement in Vrischik, 9th house, with aspect on the ascendant is a more favourable disposition.

As his exaltation would be in the evil 8th house for his another ascendant, Dhanu, his placement at that house is beneficial. His placement in a very friendly 9th house, Simha, or another friendly 5th house, Mesha, and aspecting the ascendant would bestow spectacular benefits.

To both the above ascendants, his occupying angular houses does not ensure favourable results. In general  natural benefics like Guru, getting strengthened in a Kendra(angular) house does not assert good results. At certain circumstances, this can manifest as  a Kendradhipathiyadosha (unfavourable effects due to ownership of angular houses) and would give negative results.

As told by our sages, Guru being the principal natural benefic, his placement in any of the trikona(trinal) houses, 5th or 9th, in any horoscope would add immense value to the horoscope. Even if Guru is in weak disposition while occupying these houses, he would still not give adverse results.

In a horoscope with Rajayoga(beneficial combination equivalent to making of a king), natural benefics occupy the Kona (trinal) houses, while the natural malefics take up the Kendra(angular) positions.

Why is this trinal arrangement is stressed for Guru in particular is because when Guru is placed in the 5th or 9th house, he would aspect the ascendant. When the ascendant or its lord is weakened, mere aspect of Guru alone is sufficient to lift up the horoscope.

That too if Guru is powerfully placed in the 5th or 9th houses, it should either be the ascendants of his friends or his own house, Dhanu or Meena. Hence when his friends, Surya, Chandra or Mangal get weakened as ascendant lords, Guru posited in the 5th and 9th houses will nullify their weakness by aspecting the ascendant.

Examples can be cited with Guru’s placement in his own 5th house for a Simha ascendant with a debilitated  Surya or Guru placed in his  own 9th house, for a Mesha ascendant with Mangal in debilitation in the 4th house or placed in his own evil 8th house,  with an aspect on the ascendants respectively and reversing  their weaknesses and converting them to  very powerful horoscopes.

Similarly for the Kataka ascendant with a debilitated Chandra, placement of Guru in the 9th house, aspecting the ascendant as well as the Chandra, makes it a favourable horoscope.  Chandra would attain the necessary strength to steer his ascendant.

But, the aspecting Guru should  be powerful without being in  grahana(eclipsed) with Rahu or asthamana(combust) with Surya or associated with Sani. Only when Guru is powerful will his aspect also have strength. If he is weakened the positive effects of the aspect will reduce. Under some circumstances if Guru is totally ruined, he would be devoid of any aspectual effect.

While assessing the aspect of Guru in any horoscope, it is necessary to judge the quantum and strength of the aspect. For example, Guru in combustion or placed in close proximity to Rahu does not have any aspectual strength. Under these circumstances, if it is presumed superficially that Guru’s aspect on the dosha (unfavourable combination) is obliterating the evil effects,  it is at these situations when our predictions would fail miserably.

Would  Guru’s aspect yield crores of benefits to all ascendants?

As I keep repeating frequently, some nuances in Vedic astrology are packaged by sages in a way that they gradually get unfolded and understood  with your gaining experience. One amongst that is the aspect of Guru.

The concept that, “Guru ‘s aspect yields crores of benefits” is always equally confusing to a casual reader or a newcomer to the realm of astrology . Some would complicate themselves and others by professing that Guru’s aspect is equally special and beneficial to all ascendants.

To the beginners ,astrology  would play  game of hide-and-seek and would not be comprehensible. But as one gets to understand, it would follow like a tamed cow. How and when will one be able to crack would depend on the status of Budha in the horoscope along with the blessings of  the almighty.

The estimate of aspect of Guru is a very minute and intricate concept. To put it more clearly, to the ascendants of Rishaba and Tula owned by his enemy, Sukra, and to the ascendants of Budha, Guru’s aspect will give negative results in some situations owing to Kendradhipathiyam(evil effect due to ownership of angular house) and Bhadakadhipathiyam(evil effect due to ownership of obstructive house). But even then, as he is a natural benefic, the house he aspects will get strengthened.

For example, to a Tula ascendant when Guru is placed in his own third house in the star of Moola or Uthirashada star of Bhadakadhipathi(owner of house of obstruction) Surya and aspects the 7th, 9th and 11th houses, there would not be any accrued benefits to the native though the houses stand to gain. Also additionally, his aspect as the 6th lord will only give rise to problems.

Under these circumstances, depending on the status of Mangal and the 7th house, there may be no promise of marriage or if married, he would not be leading a happy life with his wife. Father would be alive but will not be giving any support. Elder Brother and Sisters would exist but they will also not be of any help.

Astrology is a set multiple calculations involving rules and exceptions. Other than the basic tenements, there is nothing that cannot be altered. The expertise of an astrologer lies in being able to judge these aspects very precisely.

will continue next week...(Published on 11/03/2021)

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