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Astrologer Aditya Guruji

Cell : +91 8286 99 8888

Generally, whenever one is going through the dasa(main period) of a strong Mangal, he would show interest in body building. All people frequenting fitness centers towards grooming a healthy physique, also do have a strong Mangal.    

Mangal creates the best of the sports personalities. Mangal is a planet with bubbling youthfulness. Amongst the nine planets,  while Budha keeps the mind young, Mangal keeps the body young. A youthful robust body is an indication of Mangal.

“Ilam kandru bayamariyathu- A young calf does not know fear” is a proverb that is very appropriate for Mangal. Amongst the lifespan of human beings beginning as a toddler to an ageing senior, the youthful age until about 35 years is signified by Mangal. During this period, Mangal would drive one to hastily complete the jobs without any pre-planning.

When Mangal is associated with the karmasthana (house of profession)or the 10th house, he will make one earn from avenues like sports, physical training etc. Mangal alone gives a flourishing   profession in the real estate related to earth, with huge profits and also showers money in crores to the builders of houses.

As, the second zodiacal sign of Mangal, Vrischik, represents hideous places, insurance, marketing etc., when the jeevanidhipathi(lord of 10th house of profession)is connected to Vrischik sign, then few natives pursue careers  in one of these avenues.

Similarly, if Mangal is strong and has attained papathuva(maleficience), the native would be an intelligent rascal. Mangal also engages one to be a gang leader, heading a group of hitmen threatening people with ‘kangaroo courts’.

An exalted Mangal or placed in his own house, sits in ascendant or aspects the ascendant, without the association of Chandra or Guru  by conjunction or aspect and also without the sookshma(intricate)strength, then it makes the native short-tempered.

Instead of exaltation and singular placement of Mangal  in  the 10th house to the natives with Mesha ascendant, more positive results can be expected when he is in debilitation in 4th house and attains subathuva(beneficience) or sookshma(intricate)strength.

Since the placement of the exalted Mangal in the 10th house would also give digbala(directional strength), this placement is not good. No one will  ever be able to get near a native with such a placement and be able to speak without inhibition.

To the Rishaba ascendant, it would be more rewarding when he occupies the 12th house rather than the 7th house. Alternately, it is a favourable placement when he is debilitated in the 3rd house and bequeaths  neechabanga(nullifying the debilitation)by a different means without combining with exalted Guru.

He would be the yogadhipathi(beneficiary) to Kataka, owning the 5th and 10th houses.  In this case too, he would not give good results when occupying one of the Kona( trine) house, (viz) 5th house.

As per the hypothesis that a papa(malefic) planet  will bestow positive results only when placed in Kendra(angular) positions, he would give good results only when he occupies the 6th to 5th house, (i.e) the 10th house.

For Simha ascendant, occupying his own trine house, the 9th house,  is not a good placement. Instead, occupying the 8th from 9th house,(i.e) the 4th house and attaining exaltation is a beneficial arrangement.

These sookshmas(intricacies) have been mentioned by me a few years ago in  the article  on “Badakhathipathi patriya rahasiyangal(Secrets of Badhakathipathi or lord of obstruction)” that while explicitly indicating that  “natural benefics should not own the kendras or angular houses” it is implicit that the natural malefics should not own the kona or trine houses. I have indicated this as the secret of Badakhathipathi or lord of obstruction.

Mangal being the owner of 6th house  to the Mithuna ascendants is a malefic and will not bestow good results. Same is true with Kanya too. Lucky are the natives born in Mithuna and Kanya ascendants, who would never have to undergo the dasa(major period) of  Mangal.

As the owner of 2nd and 7th house to Tula ascendants, instead of occupying his own 2nd or 7th house, attaining debilitation in the 10th house, Kataka, with digbala(directional strength) and sookshma(intricate)strength would reward him with a good wife, good married life and limitless money.

It is certainly good for Mangal to be debilitated to Vrischik ascendants. Mangal, the ascendant lord, getting exalted in 3rd house, would only give average results.

Unambiguously, Mangal should never be exalted to the women born in Vrischik ascendant. As an exalted Mangal would give a masculine character under certain circumstances, it is certainly not a good placement. Also, these females would be bold, determined and blessed with physical strength like menfolk.

As Mangal is a complete masculine planet, direct strengthening of Mangal  in a female chart, would impose masculinity subduing the feminine nature and hence not favourable.

I can produce several examples of horoscopes of crorepatis, who are Vrischik ascendants with Mangal in debilitation but with sookshma(intricate)strength. But at the same time, it is difficult to find a person leading luxurious life,  when born in Vrischik ascendant and with a lonely Mangal   devoid of subathuva(beneficience) or sookshma(intricate)strength.     

To a reader accustomed to going through generic articles only,  these discussions on sookshma(intricate) topics may appear contradicting.  I am writing these, after realizing the truth based on my long years of extensive research and can be appreciated gradually with growing experience.

It is good for Dhanu ascendant to have the placement of Mangal in 4th,10th or 12th. If he attains sookshma(intricate) strength while being exalted in  2nd  house or is placed in his own 5th house, he would give beneficial results.

When he is placed in his own 4th  house to Makara ascendant, he would give a career in uniformed services like Police Department. Depending on the strength of the ascendant lord, Mangal in Mesha could make the native an IPS officer too.

Mangal occupying his own 10th house is not a very favourable condition to the Kumbha ascendant. Exaltation of Mangal in the evil 12th house, gives good results. Placement in 3rd house owned by him is favourable.

For a Meena ascendant, Mangal’s placement in the 10th house, in the friendly Dhanus and also attaining digbala(directional strength) would be much more beneficial that his occupying 9th house owned by him.

To conclude, Mangal will only elevate the native to be  a watchman to guard a bungalow and not the owner of a bungalow. Only with the support from subha(benefic)planets,  his prospects be enjoyed.

However blessed one can to be either a senior officer in  the Police or a Commander in the Army due to Mangal,  he still has to pay salutations to an IAS officer, elevated to be the Chief Secretary or Home Secretary with the courtesy of natural benefics like Guru, Sukra or Budha, or a Minister or a Chief Minister or  the Prime Minister.

The following are the significations of Mangal as given in our scriptures. These significations or the functions of the planet have been conceived by our divine sages as a result of concerted thought process and focussed research.

As Mangal will behave differently as a benefic or a malefic, only an experienced person will be able to predict the effects on the basis of the placement and strength of Mangal.

Mangal is red coloured and hence he is the ruler of red colour. As he is the significator of earth, things that can be done in mud or things that can be done using mud like earthen pots, fire related jobs, medicine related to blood, arms related , army, coral, toor dhall, vigour, leadership in army, granite, crusher, road metal are indicated by him. Mangal also depicts power, arrogance, exercising, games, agility, gruesome accident, goat, shorter lifespan, explosives, anger, outrageous words, fight, foolhardiness, short temper, brother, impractical bravado, hillocks, hills, mined metals, enemies, sharp tools, Lord Subrahmanya, male cook, beastly, ruthless leadership, independent thoughts, court-case, Police Department, personality, quarrel, riots, cut wound, imprisonment, cruel words, boisterous, arduous mind, unnecessary problems, getting emotional and violence.

Some astrological nuances on Mangal

Mangal is the only planet being able to look at his another house while being placed in his own house. Also when placed in his own Vrischik house, Mangal is the only planet to destroy the houses of all his enemies (Sani’s Kumbha, Sukra’s Rishaba and Budha’s Mithuna)through his 4th, 7th and 8th aspects in one go.

As Mangal and Sani get strengthened in Kendra(angular) houses, they have 4th and 10th aspects respectively. To put it differently, only because the papa(malefic) planets have the special 4 and 10 aspects, do they get strengthened in Kendra(angular) houses.

In the horoscopes, all the bhavas aspected by Mangal and Sani will get destroyed. The planets aspected by the duo will also get weakened. At the same time to the Tula and Rishaba ascendants, the aspect of Sani with sookshma(intricate)strength will give good results. To the Kataka, Simha and Meena ascendants, aspects of Mangal with sookshma(intricate)strength is sure to bestow good results.

The goodness of the aspects of Mangal and Sani is directly related to the sookshma(intricate) and  suba(beneficial)strength attained by both the planets.  It requires extraordinary assessment skills,  to accurately predict the status.

will continue next week...(Published on 28/01/2021)

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