Astrologer Aditya Guruji
Cell : +91 8286 99 8888
I had touched upon some contradictions amongst the exceptions listed for Mangal Dosha (malefic combination), in the earlier Chapter. Lets’ take a look at some of the significant inconsistencies here.
Firstly, I differ with the concept that Mangal when in own house or exaltation does not cause dosha(maleficience). This exemption is not applicable to all situations going by my experience.
This could be one amongst the various intercalations in the principal scriptures. In the earlier times when a strong Mangal was necessary to safeguard himself or herself, may be this ideology was acceptable.
In the present context, this rule has to be restated more precisely that when Mangal is in own house or exaltation, conjunction or the aspect of Guru or Chandra or attainment of subathuva (beneficience) or sookshma(intricate)strength through some other means can only deter the Dosha(maleficience).
Mangal is a papa(malefic) planet. He has been indicated to be ¾th papa in our scriptures. The hidden intricate fact in this is that for any native Mangal will function as papa(malefic) for 3/4th part and for the remaining 1/4th part he would act as a suba(benefic)planet.
Our sages have thoroughly analysed this divine science and have worded each and every fact very precisely and without any ambiguity. The explanation on papa(malefic) planets is also included in this.
That is, amongst the papa(malefic)planets like Sani, Mangal, Surya, Rahu, Kethu and Chandra in waning phase, Sani alone is a total malefic planet. He is a malefic under all circumstances and will never give positive results.
Surya is a ½ papar(malefic). Means, beyond the ½ papathuvam(maleficience), he behaves like a subar(benefic) for the remaining half and gives favourable results to the native. Though Rahu and Kethu can also be considered as complete malefics, but as they would mimic the activities of the owner of the house in which they are placed, planets that conjoin and aspect them, when Rahu is in the company of subars(benefics) or placed in a house owned by a subar(benefic) , he would be transformed to a subar(benefic) and will provide favourable results.
Chandra in the waning phase beyond Purnima(full moon) loses its subathuva(beneficience) gradually while slowly transforming to a malefic becomes a complete malefic on the day of Amavasya(New moon).
Amongst these, our sages indicate that Sani alone is a total papar(malefic) under all conditions. Even if Sani happens to be the natural benefic to an ascendant by way of ownership or by virtue of being the lord of the ascendant, only if he gains sthanabala(positional strength) by virtue of being placed in own house or in exaltation without attaining subathuva(beneficience) or sookshma(intricate)strength, then he would only bestow unfavourable results. I have explained this clearly in my “Papa graha sookshma valu theory( treatise on attainment of intricate strength by malefic planets).”
For example, for a native born in Kataka lagna(ascendant) with Sani placed with papathuvam(maleficience) in his own house, the 7th , it would either delay the marriage or not permit marriage at all to the native. It cannot be expected with Sani that being the owner of 7th house, will endow an early marriage or a beautiful wife. The same is the case with Simha.
Mangal is also similar. Being the lord of ascendant or as a functional benefic, Mangal occupying 2nd, 7th, 8th as its owner or in exaltation it would only give unfavourable results. This is Mangal Dosha(malefic combination).
The difference is that while Sani will spoil entirely, Mangal will only do ¾th of the same. That’s all….! This will change only when Mangal gains subathuva(beneficience) or sookshma(intricate)strength.
Here, subathuva(beneficience) or sookshma(intricate)strength of a planet depends on the degree of placement, the star in which it is placed, aspect it receives, planets conjoining it, status in Navamsa(9th divisional chart), strength gained in shadvarga(6 different divisionals), proximity with Rahu or Kethu leading to loss of papathuvam(maleficience and also including certain other subtle indicators.
When in any horoscope with such a Mangal Dosha, (i.e) Mangal placed in own house or exaltation in 2, 4,7 or 8 bhavas from ascendant or moon sign and malefactor Sani also placed in similar 2,4,7 or 8 bhavas from ascendant or moon sign, then those bhavas would collapse totally leading to a severe unfavourable condition of delayed marriage or no marriage at all.
There also exists a view that if Mangal and Sani are conjoined then the dosha(malefic combination) is nullified. There cannot be a poorer irrationality to this. This is the outcome of blindly accepting the view of an inexperienced astrologer.
When Sani or Mangal, both devoid of subathuva(beneficience) or sookshma(intricate)strength, be placed either conjoined or separately and are connected to 2,4,7 or 8 from ascendant or moon sign, it can be predicted with utmost certainty that the native would either have a delayed marriage or no marriage or if married then problems in marital life or possibility of a second marriage.
Further, if the native with this arrangement is a female, then marriage can happen in thirties and for a male it can be expected around thirty five years of age.
An accurate analysis of dasa or bhukti of the planet signifying marital bliss or childbirth will help to predict the exact timing of marriage. Dedicated efforts will help in accurate prediction.
Generally, only when a strong malefic Mangal is placed in 7 or 8 houses will he provide difficulties in married life. Under these circumstances, husbands and wives lack good understanding between each other leading to ego clashes, eventually leading to divorce and separation.
Also, it is not true that if Mangal is placed in 8th house then the female will be a widow. If it is ordained that a lady should become a widow, then apart from Mangal, the horoscope should be analysed for some other combinations and the house signifying the life span in the horoscope of the husband should also be assessed. Very rarely Mangal affects the longevity of the husband when in such a placement. In my experience, in majority of the cases it only leads to separation between husband and wife.
At the same time, for natives with disturbances in life due to Mangal Dosha(malefic combination) learn enough lessons from their earlier experiences and shape up their second innings very successfully.
Also, Mangal in this combination will cause separation from husband only if the marriage takes place at a very young age. For girls getting married beyond the age of 30 and boys getting married beyond the age of 33 , there will be almost no evil effects due to Mangal Dosha(malefic combination). Though the marriage is late, it would result in a very promising life.
In my experience, in cases when either husband or wife, one of them has a Mangal Dosha(malefic combination) and that Mangal is in subathuva(beneficiated) while the other one has not got the Dosha, I have noticed that the couple lead a very lengthy, happy and successful lives.
Hence, there need not be any panic when there is Mangal Dosha(malefic combination) in any horoscope. The marital relationship can be prevented from becoming distorted and preserved through regular worship and prayers.
How to find a match with Mangal Dosha(malefic combination)…?
Mangal Dosha(malefic combination) also has certain gradations. Mangal placed in 7th or 8th house with respect to lagna(ascendant) or rasi(moon sign)is supposed to be a complete Dosha(malefic combination). Being in 2nd house is less detrimental, followed by 12th house and when in 4th house the effects of Dosha(malefic combination) is estimated to be the least.
When Mangal is in 7th or 8th in the bride and groom’s horoscopes, it can be considered as Dosha(malefic combination) with equal effects and the horoscopes can be matched.
Next, When Mangal is in 7th or 8th with respect to lagna(ascendant) in one case and with respect to rasi(moon sign) in other can also be matched. The Dosha(malefic combination) will result in equal effect and bestow wellbeing to both.
Under certain circumstances, though it is somewhat correct to match horoscopes with Mangal in 2nd house in one case and being in 7th or 8th in the second case, it is certainly not correct to match horoscopes with Mangal in 4th or 12th in one case, while it is in 7th or 8th in the other.
As a further subtlety, Mangal in 2nd house for one and Sani in the 2nd house for the other will also give excellent compatibility. Both of them would have a malefic in the 2nd house signifying the family, which equalizes and will not give bad results. But if in any one case if the papa(malefic) has attained subathuva(beneficience) then it should not be matched. Planetary papa(maleficience) and subathuva(beneficience) should be equal for both.
This rule is applicable to 7th and 8th houses. To have Sani in 7th house for one and Mangal in the 7th house for the other is also a match to not yield bad results. Also when Mangal is placed in 8th house and Sani is placed in the 2nd or 8th in the other, the horoscopes can be matched.
On the whole, while assessing the Mangal Dosha(malefic combination) estimation of the status of Sani in the horoscope would be handy in accurate matching and predictions.
will continue next week...(Published on 13/01/2021)
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