Astrologer Aditya Guruji
Cell : +91 8286 99 8888
If lagna(ascendant) can be termed as the life of the native in any horoscope, then Chandra depicts the body which is essential for the life to function. The house in which Chandra is placed is termed as Rasi( Moon sign, also called as Chandra lagna) in any horoscope. Lagna(ascendant) and Rasi(Moon sign) function as two rails in a railway track. Just as how both the rails are essential for the passage of railway train, similarly both lagna and rasi are essential towards making predictions with any horoscope.
In any system of astrology, it will be possible to make accurate predictions to anybody only by comparing the basis with respect to lagna and rasi. For example, for marriage related queries, predictions will be accurate only when the combined effects of 7th house from lagna and the 7th house from rasi are analysed.
When the life or lagna(ascendant) and its lord are afflicted very badly, rasi lord or the owner of the rasi(moon sign) would take control of the native and would carry out the effects in the horoscope. It is in such complex situations that there would be difficulty in making predictions with any horoscope.
More importantly, predictions made towards a native fail only when they are made without judging whether a planet has attained subathuva(benefic) status or it remains as an papa (malefic) planets.
Example: When Sani or Mangal or Rahu or Kethu are in their malefic state, they would only be strongly imparting evil effects to the native. But if they have undergone subathuva(beneficiation) or attained sookshma(fine)strength then they lose the ability to deliver evil and give good results.
I have been continuously sharing with you the knowledge that has been permitted to be bestowed on to me by almighty with regards to subathuva(beneficiation) and sookshma(fine)strength attained by papa(malefic) planets.
As my mission to frame clear cut rules for defining the attainment of sookshma(fine) strength by papa(malefic) planets is still incomplete, I will only share the secret of planets attaining subathuva(beneficiation) in detail further.
As one in that is related to Chandra, it would only be appropriate to discuss about the same under this heading.
I have explained earlier that papa(malefic) planets are nothing but the ones that have lost their illumination. When such planets borrow light from suba(benefic) or brighter planets, they attain subathuvam(beneficiation).
An additional refinement to this conjecture would be that, papa(malefic) planets get complete subathuva(beneficiation) only from the suba(benefic) planet in proximity. To add further, Sani, a dark planet devoid of any illumination will attain complete subathuva(beneficiation) only when it borrows the illumination from a fully glowing suba(benefic)planet like Guru which is located close by.
Sani will get lesser subathuva(beneficiation), when conjoined with Guru rather than when it is in the aspect of Guru. In order to erase the darkness or papathuva(maleficience) of Sani totally, then Guru should be able to aspect with complete radiance .
When Guru is in debilitation or placed in inimical houses or with conjoined with enemies, his radiance would diminish and hence he would not be in a position to offer subathuva(beneficiation) to any planet.
Similarly, Mangal, the papa(malefic) planet, only next to Sani, will attain subathuva(beneficiation) only upon aspect by Chandra more than that from Guru.
As Mangal is quite far away from Guru, the distance from Chandra, that is revolving around the earth, to Mangal is significantly less. Hence, the aspect or conjunction with Chandra gives it more subathuva(beneficiation) in comparison to the aspect from Guru.
To put it precisely, Mangal placed at 7th house opposite to Chandra will give become a benefic and yield good results. The strength or weakness of subathuva(beneficiation) will depend on the radiance of Chandra at that time.
When Chandra is in waxing phase, in Kendra(angular) position with Surya, in own house/exaltation receiving more illumination from Surya, in Kona(trine)positions from Guru receiving maximum illumination or in 4th Kendra(angle) at midnight with digbala(directional strength) and with complete radiance provides total subathuva(beneficiation) to Mangal in such way that it would give excellent benefic results.
Conjunction of Mangal with Chandra is also subathuva(beneficiation). But even in this situation, Chandra should be with perfect radiance as indicated above. This combination is termed as Chandra-Mangal yoga by our sages.
In any horoscope, the tenth Kendra(angular) position denotes profession, mid-day, while its opposite, 4th house, denotes residence and mid-night. Our sages have hence indicated that when Surya is in the 10th house during mid-day it gains more strength, also called as digbala(directional strength) and similarly Chandra attains digbala(directional strength) when it is in 4th house at mid-night.
Generally, Mangal would inflict severe unpleasant effects when it attains strength by way of ownership, exaltation etc. Only when his papathuva(maleficience) is cleansed by Chandra that he would give gains from land and other good results. I would clarify in detail further while explaining about Mangal.
Also, Chandra is responsible for a planet to attain Neechabanga (neutralisation of debilitation) when it is in Neecha position(debilitation). When planets are unable to receive the illumination from Surya, they become Neecha(debilitated). When they get the lost radiance through Chandra in a different manner, they regain their lost strength.
It is because of the fact that planets occupying 1,4, 7 and 10 from Chandra, receiving the reflected rays of Surya through Chandra and regain their lost radiance or in other words the strength that was lost, did our sages say that the neecha(debilitated) planets in the Kendra(angular) position of Chandra attain neechabanga (neutralisation of debilitation).
At the same time, what will happen when Chandra himself becomes neecha(debilitated)? Then he should be in the house opposite to Surya, who illuminates him. This position will not weaken the Chandra.
Strangely, it is only Mangal, who will attain parivartana(mutual exchange) to become uccha(exalted) with a planet undergoing neecha(debilitation) in the house owned by him. To add further, when Chandra is in neecha(debilitation) in Vrischik(Scorpio), Mangal, the owner of Vrischik(Scorpio), will also be neecha(debilitated) in Kataka(Cancer).
When they undergo parivartana(mutual exchange) in this neecha(debilitated) state, both Chandra and Mangal, attain neechabanga(neutralisation of debilitation). Similarly when Sani is in Mesha(Aries) attaining neecha(debilitation)state and Mangal is uccha(exaltation)state in Makara(Capricorn) owned by Sani, their parivartana(mutual exchange) will lead to neechabanga(neutralisation of debilitation) of Sani.
True to the fact that in astrology every rule is bound to have an exception, while neecha(debilitation) is a state of loss of radiance, it cannot be pronounced so to a native born in Vaikasi(Vaisakh)month in Vrischik(Scorpio) rasi, Chandra is in debilitation.
Since it would be Purnima(full moon) at that time, if it could be understood that Chandra would be in its complete vigor as it would be present opposite to Surya and this occurs when it is in Visakha star 4thpadam, also signifying the birth of a celestial incarnation, this enables one to calculate uccha, neecha (exaltation,debilitation) states and to define the influence of Surya and Chandra in astrology.
What is Chandrashtama(Chandra in eighth house)?
The word “Chandrashtama” means Chandra in the eighth house.
Our learned sages while clearly advising us that as any planet loses its strength when it is in 8th house also suggested that when Chandra is in transit in 8th house for 2¼ days, also termed as Chandrashtama days, it would be better not to make important decisions, start any new ventures or undertake long journey.
The actual reason is that as the Chandra in cosmos influences one’s mind and the decisions taken by the mind, which would be restless during these days, we would not be in a position to make important decisions.
There are some exceptions to Chandrashtama as stated in scriptures. Whenever Chandra is aspected or conjoined with Guru, during the Chandrashtama days, the unfavourable effects will not prevail.
As whatever I described about neecha(debilitation)state of Chandra also applies to Chandrashtama, unfavourable effects are also not expected on the days when it attains complete strength due to aspect from Surya .
will continue next week...(Published on 28/11/2020)
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